To add a subdomain to your domain, click on the "Actions" button for your root domain and click on the "Subdomains" tab.
You can view all of your subdomains that are related to your domain in this section. Click on the "Add Subdomain" button to create a new subdomain.
Enter your subdomain in the textbox. You can see how your subdomain looks in the small preview area below the textbox.
Once you have typed your subdomain, click on "Add Subdomain".
If you use private nameservers, our system automatically adds an A record to your DNS zone.
If you are using an external DNS provider or a registrar DNS, then you will need to create an A record at that service. Please contact your service provider's support for more information if you don't know how to do it.
New subdomains are routed within 5 minutes after they have been created.